Safety Considerations

All Science fair projects must follow strict safety rules and guidelines for project topic choice and display

The Science Fair Coordinator or Campus ACT/DC may remove any project that does not meet safety guidelines for the project or display materials.

For safety reasons, the SAISD Science & STEM Fair does not allow experimentation using dangerous equipment or substances that may be harmful to students or others. If you are uncertain about any safety rules, contact your District Science Representative. Determinations of safety are made by the SAISD Science Fair Committee and are final.

Students are NOT ALLOWED to do any project or conduct any experiment that involves:

  • Growing bacteria, microbial cultures, disease causing fungi, mold of any type (example: bread or tortillas) or any other possibly pathogenic substances. The only exceptions are:
    • Projects with baker’s yeast so long as rDNA studies are NOT involved
    • Projects using manure with composting to test variables
    • Projects involving food preservation so long as when spoiling, rotting, or browning occurs the food is disposed of immediately
  • Involved human parts, blood, or other body fluids.
  • Firearms, explosives, or discharge air pressure canister devices (potato guns or rocket propellants).
  • Cause or may cause harm or injury to animals or humans including ingestion or application of over-the-counter medications or controlled substances.
  • Activities and substances presenting a danger to students or the environment such as hazardous chemicals or radioactive materials.